Supporting the evolution of our single-detached neighbourhoods can be daunting, so we’ve created a space where local government planners can tackle these collective challenges together.
The Gentle Density Network is an open space to catalyze the evolution of single-detached neighbourhoods that provide ground-oriented homes, equitable for all. There will be opportunities to collaborate with other local government planners, learn about new resources, and attend webinars.
Sign-up for the Gentle Density Network
Sign-up for the Gentle Density Network
The Gentle Density Network brings planners and related professionals together to learn and share experiences that will enable greater uptake of gentle density. Thank you to all that joined us at the 2024 Gentle Density Leaders Summit. Stay tuned for more in-person events!
The Gentle Density Network brings planners and related professionals together to learn and share experiences that will enable greater uptake of gentle density. Thank you to all that joined us at the 2024 Gentle Density Leaders Summit. Stay tuned for more in-person events!
Missed the last GDN session? Playback previous webinars on our Past Events page.
With thanks to CMHC: The Gentle Density Network was created as part of the “Gentle Density Housing Accelerator”, which received funding from the Housing Supply Challenge – Getting Started Round, however, the views expressed are the personal views of the author/presenter and CMHC accepts no responsibility for them. For more information, head to the CMHC website.