Explore the Gentle Density Toolbox!

Join us in building a repository of insights and innovations that shape the future of inclusive and sustainable gentle density housing, delivering homes that people want, need, and deserve.

For full access to a growing suite of resources, head to our dedicated Gentle Density Toolbox page.

Our mission

The Gentle Density Toolbox aims to be a comprehensive suite of resources, showcasing leading practices and insights into gentle density housing, with a focus on action across British Columbia.

The Toolbox actively encourages users to explore new resources, engage with colleagues and contribute your own materials to propel the momentum of gentle density development.

The Toolbox showcases a collection of exclusive Small Housing created content too, including:

Case Study Report Development

A series of brief case studies that highlight promising practices of various jurisdictions who are leading the way in implementing gentle density housing around BC, Canada, and the world, and various tactics or approaches that can advance this work.

Cross-Sector Convening: Expert Roundtables & Guidance Papers

Small Housing addresses common and systemic challenges to increasing gentle density housing by convening experts from multiple sectors to advance solutions together, and communicate the findings to a broad audience that can test, champion and implement solutions.

From affordability, to operations, to offsite construction and more, these guidance papers are here to support you in shaping your gentle density solutions.

First Nations Stories of Practice

Stories of Practice honour, document, and celebrate community-led gentle density housing projects in Indigenous communities, and provide other communities and organizations with an opportunity to learn about wise practices, teachings, and lessons.