What We Do: Communications Supports

About Us

Public Perceptions Research

Small Housing conducts public perceptions research to collect demographic and psychographic data to better understand the values and motivations that underpin public views on infill housing and the gentle density housing solution.

Communications Guides & Assets

Small Housing produces multimedia communication assets designed to educate and strengthen local governments’ and allied organizations’ communication efforts to build support for gentle density housing projects. Examples include the Gentle Density Messaging Guidebook and infographics.


Public Information Sessions

Partnering with local governments and citizens’ interest groups, Small Housing plans and delivers information sessions to raise awareness and familiarity of gentle density among the general public, and to parties potentially interested in (re)developing their own gentle density projects.

Neighbourhood Walking Tours

Small Housing coordinates and leads walking tours, with expert hosts (urban planners, designers, local developers, civic historians) to provide participants with first-hand insights into neighbourhoods that feature gentle density infill.

Speaking Engagements

Small Housing’s cadre of subject matter experts has been invited to present about gentle density housing solutions at conferences and events in BC, the rest of Canada, and beyond, including: BCNPHA’s Housing Central, Union of BC Municipalities Housing Convention, Edmonton Infill Symposium, Yukon Housing Summit, and Casita Coalition (California).

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